Southwestern Athletic Conference - Sponsor Circle
Southwestern Athletic Conference
Sponsorship Overview
The Southwestern Athletic Conference (the "SWAC", the "Conference") is organized for the purpose of encouraging and conducting intercollegiate sports activities for student-athletes and promoting academic excellence while representing SWAC member institutions with a high level of integrity and sportsmanship. Its purposes are: - To uphold the principles of institutional control of, and responsibility for all collegiate sports conducted by the members of this organization in conformity with the Constitution and Bylaws hereof; - To stimulate and improve intercollegiate athletic sports; - To comply with satisfactory standards of scholarship and amateur standing and good sportsmanship; - To preserve and maintain the collegiate athletic records of the members of the Southwestern Athletic Conference, and make them available upon request; - To cooperate with other amateur athletic organizations in the promotion and conduct of intercollegiate athletic contests; - To maintain fiscal management; and - To legislate through Bylaws or Resolutions on subjects of general concern to the membership. The members of the conference are committed to the philosophy of maintaining intercollegiate athletics as an integral part of the overall educational program. To this end, the conference believes in and subscribes to the fundamental principles of amateurism, institutional control, sound academic standards, financial aid, recruiting, and ethical conduct that governs intercollegiate athletics, and the enforcement of rules and regulations as adopted by the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
1101 22nd Street South
Birmingham, Alabama
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